Fully completed applications will be submitted to the Duty Officer Operations at duty@townsvilleport.com.au and can be contacted on 07 4781 1683 This application form is not required for storage of plant and equipment on berth 4 and Berth 10 WBA if under seperate licence from POTL
(1) that this Wharf Backing Area/Wharf Related Area/Wash Bay Application is made in accordance with, and subject to, the Customs Act 1901 (Cth)), Maritime Transport and Offshore Facilities Security Act 2003 (Cth), POTL�s Port Notices and the attached Terms and Conditions; (2) warrants that it has the authority to submit this Application and is bound to the attached Terms and Conditions; (3) that the information provided in this document is true and accurate to the best of the applicant�s knowledge; (4) that upon lodging this form, the applicant is deemed to accepted the Terms and Conditions for Usage of Wharf Backing Areas, Wharf Related Areas and the wash bay; and (5) the applicant acknowledges they accept responsibility for all charges incurred by the use of the wharf backing area, wharf related area and/or wash-bay as selected in this application.
Full terms and conditions for the usage of wharf backing areas, wharf related areas and the wash-bay can be downloaded here.