Access Control Card Application
Port access cards are only issued to those applicants who have the appropriate authorisation to enter the port area without restriction and have completed all relevant safety and security inductions. Primarily a Port access card is designed for use by Port Users who require daily access to the Port area for work purposes. A Port access card does not gain access to secured Landside Restricted Zones (LRZ) within the Port area. Three monthly audits are conducted to monitor the cards usage. If the card has not been used within the last 3 months access is automatically cancelled.
1. Is there a charge for the access card?
Yes, at present the charge is $43.35.
Note: The charge per card is subject to periodic review by the Port of Townsville Limited and may increase without notice.
2. What happens if my application is rejected?
You will be contacted in writing from either the Port of Townville Limited or the Authorised Company Representative from the POTL Leaseholder located within the Port area that you are requesting access to.
3. Can I appeal the decision?
Generally if the Authorised Company Representative from the POTL Leaseholder located within the Port area that you are requesting access to rejects your application then the Port of Townsville Limited representative will not overrule the decision.
4. Can I still access the port area?
Access will be restricted to Benwell Road through the visitor�s lane and utilising the intercom system.
Note: Access to the port area will only be granted if the Officer screening your entry has received an entry notification form from the Port of Townsville Limited or Authorised Company Representative of the POTL Leaseholder located within the Port area that you are requesting access to.
5. What responsibilities are required of me for use of an access card?
Access cards are issued to an individual on the proviso that only that person uses their card to gain access to the Port area. If a card is being utilised by someone other than the registered user of the card, the access card shall be confiscated and the Port of Townsville Limited reserves the right to deny further access to the responsible card holder. Access cards should be kept in a secure location with no identifying marks on them.
6. What if I am required to enter a Landside Restricted Zone (berth with a ship alongside) more than once a year?
If this is the case, you will be required to obtain a Maritime Security Identification Card (MSIC). Contact the Port for MSIC applications or visit our MSIC information page.
7. What if I lose my card?
If your card is lost or stolen you are required to report it to POTL Reception, Administration Building, Benwell Road or telephone (07) 4781 1500, as soon as possible.
8. What if I no longer require my card?
If you no longer require Port access please hand in to Port Administration reception.
Note: Authorisation is subject to approval from the Port of Townsville Limited and an Authorised Company Representative from the POTL Leaseholder located within the Port area that you are requesting access to.